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User Group


In 2024 I founded the Southampton Excel User Group. ​ This is a free group that meets monthly to discuss a range of Excel topics, from formulas and functions to advanced data analysis techniques, with presentations from experienced Excel users. ​ All in person meetups are streamed live so people located anywhere can still attend the presentations. ​ Presentations from all our speakers can be found on the groups YouTube page. 

Get Involved


Join the User Group

You can join the user group via the Meetup platform.


In person events are held in central Southampton.


If you do not live near Southampton all events are streamed live so wherever you are located feel free to join the group.


Watch Previous Events

Recordings of all events are on the User Groups YouTube channel.


This it is a great resource for anyone looking to improve their Excel Skills. â€‹


Subscribe to the channel to ensure that you stay up to date with all group presentations. 


Speak at the User Group

If you would like to present at the User Group please contact us or use the link below to submit a session on our Sessionize call for speakers page.


We welcome speakers from all professional backgrounds, and welcome new and first time speakers.

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